Spring Wood
A beautiful woodland with an abundance of springtime bluebells and a haven for bats.
A beautiful woodland with an abundance of springtime bluebells and a haven for bats.
Spring is on its way and seeing the first blooms is just what we all need after the recent stormy weather conditions! Today we’re sharing some top spring flowers you might have started to see…
Sightings by Thomas Cockburn
Mark Beevers records the sightings from the first week of March at Carr Vale.
Your sightings over the Spring Bank Holiday Weekend 2021
An illustrated talk by Jack Braddams on the Making of Spring Watch
Mark Beevers sums up the second week of March with his sightings at Carr Vale....
These tiny habitats, the source of our streams and rivers, are fundamental to the well-being of whole water catchments.
Look for the wood warbler singing from the canopy of oak woodlands in the north and west of the UK. Green above, it has a distinctive, bright yellow throat and eyestripe.
A spring delight, the wood anemone grows in dappled shade in ancient woodlands. Traditional management, such as coppicing, can help such flowers by opening up the woodland floor to sunlight.