Family Bushcraft

Hope Forest School, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust

Hope Forest School, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust 

Den building, crafts and campfires

Perfect for 6 - 15 year olds

Campfires, making musical instruments from sticks, building imaginative dens and learning how to use tools are all part of the magical charm of Forest School.

Research has shown just how much children (and adults) can benefit from learning and playing outdoors in terms of developing self-confidence, self-esteem, resilience and health and well-being.

We run regular school holiday Family Bushcraft events in our Outdoor Classroom at Carsington Water. Sessions are led by a qualified Forest School Leader and are great fun for the whole family. You will learn, play and explore together gaining new skills and knowledge along the way.

Our bushcraft sessions are based on the Forest School ethos, what are Forest Schools?

Forest Schools are about exploring and experiencing the natural environment through practical activities within a secure woodland area. The outdoor sessions take place in all but the worst weather, with small groups (typically 12 children or less) over a series of 6-10 sessions. This regular contact helps leaders as well as learners to better understand what learners are capable of and where their personal interests lie.

Research carried out in recent years has shown just how much children benefit from spending more time outdoors and within nature. Working together in the outdoor learning environment allows children to develop self-esteem, learn to work as a team and develop an awareness of their own emotional needs as well as those of others.

Children learn through play outdoors and gain confidence and self-esteem as they gain new skills and learn to understand their own abilities better. They learn to be creative and to solve problems both as individuals and as a team member.

Outdoor activities teach children to manage their own risks. Exposing them to the wild but controlled Forest School environment gives them the opportunity to learn how to make well-informed and sensible decisions when faced with new challenging situations in real life.

Time outdoors in a woodland environment not only increases their physical health and well-being but also their emotional health. It encourages children to make healthy lifestyle decisions and to be sympathetic to the environment around them.

Do I need tickets for the adults?

When buying tickets for a family bushcraft session we ask that you buy tickets for every child and adult who is attending on the day. The sessions are designed for everyone to take part and join in so you will all have a great day out learning together. Children must be accompanied by at least one paying adult. Tickets include free parking.

At the end of the last session, none of us wanted to leave - the children were having a great time playing in the trees and we were just savouring the peace and tranquillity of the outside space.
Jane, Henry's mum

Natural progression...

Too old for Forest Schools or want to become a Forest School Leader? Fear not, you are not too old to learn! Come and take part in some of our adult workshops or learn more about our accredited training . Or is your little one too young for Forest Schools just yet? Come along to Nature Tots instead!

Take a look at our events

We can't wait to meet you! 

Examining a noctule bat wing at Spring wood, Steve Roe

Examining a noctule bat wing at Spring wood, Steve Roe

Training for grown ups

Learn more
Nature Tots, Carsington Water, Diane Davison, Senior Specialist, External Affairs, Toyota Motor Manufacturing 

Nature Tots, Carsington Water, Diane Davison, Senior Specialist, External Affairs, Toyota Motor Manufacturing 

Nature Tots

Learn more
Children are happier and healthier when they're closer to nature.* The Wildlife Trusts have been helping children to experience and learn about the natural world for more than 50 years.
The Wildlife Trusts

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Let's have some fun together!