British Business Bank volunteers at Priestcliffe Lees, Julia Gow
Volunteer's area
The advice I was given when I first started volunteering still holds good.
Do not get separated from your lunch!
Find all the information you need here...
Everything you do with us helps to create a wilder Derbyshire and a wilder future - thank you!
Here you will find all the information that you may need in your volunteering journey with us, including dates for volunteer catch ups and Health & Safety information. Have concerns or questions that have not been answered on this page? Contact volunteering@derbyshirewt.co.uk
Reserve contact details
Living Landscapes North Derbyshire
Dark Peak - Sam Willis - Tel 07754 683190
White Peak – Emily Howes-Tel 07972 223219
North East Derbyshire – Jenn Slade – Tel 07464548800
Erewash Valley – Katie Last - Tel 07946134926
Trent Valley - Henry Richards - Tel 07736277768
Derwent Valley - Amy Bennett - Tel 07815 318 126
Woodside Farm - Paul Harasimow - Tel 07732 16894
Peak Village - Matt Robinson - Tel 07736 308475
Volunteer travel expense claim form
Individual Volunteering Time Record Sheet
Volunteer code of conduct
Health & Safety Policy
Safeguarding Children policy
Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure
Volunteering Policy
Volunteer Welcome Letter
Volunteer Work Party Schedule
These are not drop in sessions. You must be registered as a volunteer and have agreement from one of our Living Landscape Officers to attend these sessions. Thank you.
Volunteer Work Party Schedule July 2024
Volunteer Work Party Schedule August 2024

DerweintWISE volunteer team
What's happening across the Trust?
All aboard! Community Wellbeing Hub on track to open this Spring
Local groups, wellbeing organisations and charities from across the county have a new space to meet and connect with nature thanks to a…
Defra’s Bovine TB Strategy Refresh – our call for an end to the badger cull and focus on cattle measures
Last Autumn, the Government announced its strategy to use a scientific approach to end the badger cull and accelerate the development of…
One year on, The Wildlife Trusts set to be one of the largest providers of Biodiversity Net Gain
Gold standard of nature recovery proposed across 75 sites in England.
Thank you for your dedication and support. Because of you, Derbyshire has a wilder future.
CEO Derbyshire Wildlife Trust