Wildlife Watch, Tom Marshall
From babies to grown ups - learn naturally with us
Beginner's ID training courses (https://www.derbyshirewildlifetrust.org.uk/events?category=All&tags=175&suitable_for=All&local_group=&date_from=&date_to=&location=&type=&location_term=)
25,730 People took part last year ()
Events for all ages (http://live-twt-d8-derbyshire.pantheonsite.io/events)
Schools can play too! (http://live-twt-d8-derbyshire.pantheonsite.io/school-visits)
We are working hard to ensure everyone in Derbyshire gets the chance to experience nature.
To do this we organise hundreds of events and activities every year. From Nature Tots and Forest Schools - right through to our beginner's ID training programme for adults of all ages.
But we don't stop there - we also work with schools and teachers across the county, offering school trips to nature reserves and activities such as pond dipping or building bug hotels, plus, we also visit schools - ensuring playgrounds are perfect for wildlife and teachers are clued up on all things wild!
Take a look at what we are up to...
What's on?
We've got loads of events and activities for you to get stuck into - take a peek...
All our lives are better when they're a bit wild
The Wildlife Trusts believe that people are part of nature; everything we value ultimately comes from it and everything we do impacts upon it.The Wildlife Trusts