By becoming a member of Derbyshire Wildlife Trust your money will help look after local wildlife and the amazing wild places in our area.
You'll be joining a community of like-minded people and supporting us in all areas of our work, including conservation, campaigning and inspiring the local communities about nature.
Members help us to...
- Bring vulnerable species back - from beavers to water voles
- Stand up for wildlife and campaign for its protection
- Restore landscapes across the county and turn them into havens for wildlife
- Care for 50 wild spaces - from ancient woodlands to precious wetlands
Choose a membership
From just £1.75per month
Your membership package
There's nothing quite like that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you help one another - you'll get one of those!
But that's not all -
You'll get a wildlife magazine three times a year, packed full of tips, ideas, walks and updates on everything that's going on near you. We'll send you a nature reserves guide to Derbyshire, a car sticker and your very own wild flower seeds to grow!
Your family/children memberships
Family members also receive our Wildlife Watch welcome pack packed with fun activities and the fascinating Wildlife Watch magazine three times a year, featuring posters, stickers and monthly wildlife quizzes.
Membership enquiries
01773 881188