How to create a hedgehog hole

Hedgehogs need to be able to roam far and wide in search of food, mates and nesting sites - the average hedgehog roams 2km a night! Get together with your neighbours to make a hole in your fence or dig a channel beneath garden boundaries to connect your gardens.

You will need:
A fence panel
Coping saw
Your neighbours' cooperation! Keep an eye out for neighbours doing work on their gardens, or using fencing contractors - this is the perfect opportunity to get a hedgehog hole put in!

Step 1
If your neighbour is happy, remove a fence panel. The other option is to leave the fence up and use a pad saw or ‘jab saw’ instead of a coping saw.

Step 2
Measure and mark a 13cm x 13cm hole at the bottom of the panel.

Step 3
Using the coping saw, cut out the marked hole.
Step 4
If there are very rough edges, use sandpaper to smooth them down

Step 5
Put your fence panel back. Your hedgehog highway is now open for business!
To record your hedgehog hole, go to the national network at Hedgehog Street. Hedgehog Street aims to encourage people to link their gardens and make ‘Hedgehog Highways’ that are rich in insects and free from hazards.
Why not build a hedgehog home in your garden? This will encourage them to stay by giving them a safe place to hibernate over winter.

Adopt a hedgehog
Money raised goes to local wildlife conservation work, such as managing nature reserves or creating new habitats for these animals.