Deep in the beautiful West Sussex countryside sits a secret. You could easily drive past it and not know what's going on behind it's tall flowing hedgerows full of wild flowers and bird song. Knepp is an estate, and for all intents and purposes it's a farming estate, but step behind those billowing hedgerows and a whole new countryside opens up. Knepp is 're-wilding'!
'Re-wilding' – what does this mean? It sounds like lynx, bear and wolves roaming, large animals, people keep out! But this is not the case at Knepp, they don't have the room for a start. Re-wilding at Knepp is more like less interference by man, less messing about, less crops, less livestock, less chemicals (nearly none in fact) less everything, just letting nature do what we've forgotten, what she does best, just getting on with life. Knepp is a trial run at what happens if you let nature be in charge (though there is minimal management in case she gets a bit carried away.) The aim is to let nature take its course and monitor the results. There's no aim or particular habitat they want to create, just the constant change of the landscape and its inhabitants, in all its glory.