However there is a long way to go before we have this iconic moorland bird back in its old haunts across large areas of the Peak District. Illegal persecution of hen harriers and other birds of prey is still a significant problem in our Uplands. Whilst these birds have flown the nest they still face a very uncertain future.
Hen harriers breed in the Peak District for the first time in 3 Years
Hen harrier Mark Hamblin 2020vision
It’s great news that hen harriers have returned to breed successfully in the Peak District for the first time in 3 years with 4 chicks fledging from their moorland nest.
Hen harrier Mark Hamblin 2020vision
We urge our supporters and members of the public to keep a careful watch when they are walking in the Peak District moorlands in the coming weeks. If they see any hen harriers please report to the hotline. The Harrier Hotline number is 0845 4600121 (calls charged at local rate). And if you see evidence of a wildlife crime please report to the hotline and to the Police immediately. If it is an emergency call 999, you can report it to Derbyshire police on 101 or to Crimestoppers, the independent charity, on 0800 555 111.
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and the RSPB are delighted about the breeding success of Hen Harriers in Derbyshire and across England this season.