Blue tit, Sharon Dale via Flickr Fill in your details below and get plotted on our map! Your Community Group Tell us about your group! What are you called and how others can get in touch (email address and/or phone number). Email Address Add location Map Pin Style - Select -Allotment PinBat BoxBe A Jay Day - Acorn DiscoveredBe a Jay Day - Acorn PlantedBe a Jay Day - Community GroupBe a Jay Day - SchoolsBee HotelBird BoxBird feedersHedgehog homeInsect HouseWalkWildflowersDerwent LandGrow Don't MowOther actionWilder Train StationsGo PottyPond in a PotBring Birds BackShine the right kind of lightWilder SchoolsCommunity Action Groups Address? Latitude Longitude Leave this field blank