From remembering to turn off your lights, driving less or even growing your own grub. There are lots of ways to save the planet whilst saving money too!
It doesn’t matter if you can only do one thing or several, every action can help.
What do I need to do?
Take a look at our helpful infographic to see if there any areas where you think you could take an action to curb your carbon usage. Find out more about each area below and some of the small changes you can make:
Download your own copy now
Grow your own grub or change what you eat
Buy local produce, eat more plant-based foods and reduce your food miles to shrink your environmental footprint. Or even better find out how to grow your own.
Reduce your food waste
Reducing how much food you throw away will save you money and encourage you to eat healthier. Food waste generates about 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. So anything you can do to limit what you chuck in the bin will make a big difference to your carbon footprint.
Change how you travel
Reducing your vehicle emissions doesn’t just reduce the pollution you produce but can also save you money too! From driving more efficiently to getting more active and cycling there are lots of things you can do.
Save energy
Energy used in buildings accounts for around 17% of total emissions. Reducing your household energy use by remembering to turn off the lights or switching to a heat pump will help cut down.
Recycle and reduce
Recycle, upcycle - and make do and mend! Production of household waste needs to decrease by 33% by 2037 to reach emissions targets. So get out that needle and thread!
Use your voice
By writing to your MP or meeting them in person, you can help them to understand more about a local nature issue you care passionately about.
Reduce your flood risk
There are plenty of ways you can take action against climate change in your own backyard or local greenspace. Find out how to reduce your flood risk, reduce your heat risk, and be more eco-friendly.
Reduce your water use
The average person uses around 140 litres of water a day. But huge water deficits are on track to occur by the 2080s - so we need to start cutting down. Water conservation means using water wisely and not contributing to unnecessary wastage.