Talk by Nick Moyes “Of Peregrines and People”


Steve Waterhouse

Talk by Nick Moyes “Of Peregrines and People”

St Peter's Church Hall, , Shepard St, Littleover, Derby
In this talk Nick looks at the lives of these amazing birds and how so many people got involved.

Event details


A static map of Talk by Nick Moyes “Of Peregrines and People”

About the event

When the fastest animal in the world began nesting on Derby Cathedral in 2006, nobody could have imagined the impact a pair of Peregrine Falcons would make on the city and its residents, as well as many others around the world. In this talk Nick looks at the lives of these amazing birds and how so many people got involved - one way or another - with this local conservation success story.

Telephone 01332 511825 for more information. No booking required.




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No booking required

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Contact number: 01332 511825