General Election 2024 resources

Climate march Nottingham - Leanne Manchester

General Election 2024

Get ready to speak up for nature!

On 4 July people across Derbyshire will go to the polls to help choose the next government in what will be one of the most important elections in a generation. This General Election is incredibly important for wildlife and wild spaces across Derbyshire and the UK. We’re already classified as one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries, and the incoming Government will be responsible for turning this around.

Last year’s State of Nature report revealed catastrophic declines in wildlife, with 1 in 6 species at risk of extinction from Britain. Less than a decade ago, the same study found that 1 in 10 species were threatened with extinction. Put bluntly, nature is in freefall. 

In 2022 the UK endured its first ever 40°C day. The Climate Change Committee, which advises the UK Government on climate, have since cautioned that the UK has lost its position as a global leader on climate and that policy development and implementation continues to be too slow.  

Time is not on our side. There are just over 5 years until 2030 when the UK Government will be legally obligated under the Environment Act to have halted species decline – and trends are currently moving in the opposite direction.

The upcoming election will be crucial for the future viability of life on our planet, yet some politicians have failed to grasp the depth of concern over disappearing wildlife and the impacts of climate change. 

Below you can find out what you can do in your community, on your doorstep, and on the road


In your community

Neighbourhood Nature Forum

Recent polling from The Wildlife Trusts has revealed that nature is not a partisan issue; almost identical numbers of environmental charity supporters vote Conservative as vote Labour. Voters on the left and on the right feel similarly connected to nature and depend to a similar degree on nature for wellbeing. 

Local politicians don’t always understand this, so we need your help to show how nature matters to the people of Derbyshire. By bringing your community together to create a Neighbourhood Nature Plan, you can speak for nature with a Derbyshire accent, and get the attention of your parliamentary candidates.

Find out more

Tell your candidates that nature matters

By sending an email you will be telling your local candidates that nature in your area is a priority for you. The more this message is sent, the stronger it will become until candidates in every corner of the UK know wildlife is at the top of our list.

Email your candidate

On your doorstep

Suggested Questions for Candidates

  1. Nature is in trouble in Derbyshire, and nationally, the Government’s nature advisors don’t think we’re on track to meet the target to stop wildlife decline by 2030. What would you and your party do to stop nature’s decline by 2030?
  2. Politicians signed a global deal to protect at least a third of land for nature by 2030. We’re way off track – just 3% currently. How would your party ensure the planning system makes space for nature, alongside renewable energy?
  3. I believe everyone should have the right to a healthy environment. It would save the NHS billions and improve millions of lives. Do you support a legal right to a healthy environment – clean air, unpolluted water and access to nature   - for everyone?
  4. The benefits of investing in nature far outweigh the costs, but did you know that in 2022 the UK spent just 0.031% of GDP on protecting wildlife. Will your party boost the budget for wildlife-friendly farming and nature restoration?
  5. Nature-friendly farming is critical to the future of nature but we need to support farmers to produce food in much more sustainable ways. What will your party do to ensure that healthy food is produced in harmony with nature, not at nature’s expense?

How are your Election candidates scoring for nature?

Have you met with, or heard from, local Election candidates? 

What did you think of their plans to tackle the state of nature - assuming they have plans? Did they have satisfactory answers to the questions above? Are they aware of the threats to your local open spaces and prepared to defend them? Do you feel they understand how a healthy natural world supports a healthy economy and thriving society? 

Click the link below to leave a satisfaction score for your local candidates today 

Score your candidates



On the Road

Climate march COP26

Climate march Nottingham by Leanne Manchester

Restore Nature Now March – 22 June

12 days before the general election, we’re calling on all political parties to take action to restore nature and tackle climate change in the UK. The Restore Nature Now March aims to be the biggest gathering of people for nature and climate that the UK has seen and is both a celebration of UK nature and a protest for urgent political action on the nature and climate emergencies. 

The Wildlife Trusts have teamed up with other environmental groups including the National Trust, WWT, Woodland Trust, RSPB, The Climate Coalition, WWF-UK, Wildlife and Countryside Link, Rewilding Britain and others to put on a peaceful, family friendly demonstration to tell Westminster that nature needs us now, more than ever.

On 22 June we’re travelling down to London, will you be joining us?

Join us

Other Actions:

Nightingale (c) Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

Nightingale © Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

Local Intelligence Hub

Your starting point for local data about MPs, public opinion and the climate and nature movement. in your constituency. Brought to you by our friends at The Climate Coalition.  

Learn more
Urban red deer

Red deer ©Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

The Wildlife Trust's priorities for the next UK government

The Wildlife Trusts are calling upon all political parties to commit to a plan to finally halt and reverse the decline in wildlife.

Read more