Chee Dale quarry, Shoshanah Crookes
Chee Dale, Mark Hamblin
Chee Dale
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Open at all timesBest time to visit
Summer for orchids, wild flowers and plenty of insectsAbout the reserve
The majestic slopes and imposing crags of carboniferous limestone that form Chee Dale create a spectacular setting for a walk.
Allow plenty of time to explore this species-rich limestone dale. Among its many delights are the ash woodland, limestone grassland and an impressive 200ft deep gorge, all internationally important. The limestone grassland is bursting with colour all summer, from the cowslips and early purple orchids of May, through the delicately petalled rock rose and the spectacular bright blue spires of Jacob's Ladder, to grass of Parnassus and sheets of scabious in August.
The dale's ash woodlands have developed on the steep slopes and you will even notice some trees growing out of the cliff faces. Look for dark green yews and rock whitebeams with white undersides to their leaves. As you walk beside the river you may be lucky enough to see a dipper 'bobbing' on the rocks as it searches for food.
The woodland provides perfect perches for summer visitors like the spotted flycatcher to swoop for insects. Among other birds which nest here are blackcap, chiffchaff and willow warbler.
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Wildlife may be sensitive at different times of the year.