Erewash Meadows

Erewash Meadows, Kate Lemon

Erewash Meadows, Kate Lemon 

Lapwing, Darin Smith

Lapwing, Darin Smith 

Water vole, Terry Whittaker 2020 Vision

Water vole, Terry Whittaker 2020 Vision

Hen Harrier, Mark Hamblin, 2020 Vision

Hen Harrier, Mark Hamblin, 2020 Vision 

Wigeon, Guy Badham

Wigeon, Guy Badham 

Erewash Meadows

Part of the largest area of floodplain grasslands and wetlands in the Erewash Valley - great for bird watching and water voles.


This reserve runs from Jacksdale all the way to Langley Mill.

North end SK44415133, W3W //thickens.dangerously.whisk
South end SK44654882, W3W //cascaded.oxidation.recorders
Ripley, Eastwood

OS Map Reference

SK 4465 4959
A static map of Erewash Meadows

Know before you go

42 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Jacksdale Community Centre, NG16 5LX.

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Please note that the reserve is vulnerable to disturbance and visitors should keep to the official paths at all times.


The path from Jacksdale Community Centre to the site is hardcore and suitable for most disability users, giving access to the northern part of the reserve. Other access points are via stiles or rough paths.


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

Spring for breeding lapwing and winter for wildfowl

About the reserve

Erewash Meadows forms part of the largest area of floodplain grasslands and wetlands in the Erewash Valley.

It straddles the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire county boundaries and is jointly owned by the two county Wildlife Trusts. The reserve is in three parts. The southern part is known as Aldercar Flash and Meadows and the central part is Brinsley Meadows. Leading off from the north west corner of Brinsley Meadows is a 3/4 mile section of the old Cromford Canal. This former industrial area may seem an unlikely place for wildlife, but the River Erewash supports fish and invertebrates, as well as an important population of water voles.

In spring and summer the reserve's ponds and the wet sections of the canal are a refuge for grass snakes, amphibians and dragonflies. Butterflies and many other insects breed and feed on the wild flowers growing in the grassland. The meadows are best known for their birds.

In spring lapwings can be seen performing their impressive aerial displays, while early mornings may offer the best chance of hearing the strange 'drumming' call of breeding snipe. More common breeding birds include the reed buntings with their distinctive black and white heads, and sedge warblers, more camouflaged but twice as noisy in declaring their presence.

In spring and autumn the breeding birds are joined by waders, wildfowl and even birds of prey like the hen harrier. Many wildfowl stay for the winter, including a small flock of wigeon, numerous teal and a range of other species.

Contact us

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
Contact number: 01773 881188