Bluebell, Jim Higham

Tawny owl, Margaret Holland
Hollinhill and Markland Grips
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Spring for woodland bluebells and wood anemoneAbout the reserve
Steep, wooded valley sides and exposed cliff-like rock faces create dramatic scenery at Hollinhill and Markland Grips.
Several tree species grow here - from yew clinging to the cliff edge, to hazel coppice on the flat tops. Expect to see many familiar woodland flowers, including wood anemone, bluebell and dog's mercury.
Growing in the hazel coppice are colonies of bee orchid. The woodland is a popular haunt for birds, with many breeding here. They include tawny owl, great spotted woodpecker and treecreeper. In summer, Markland Grips is alive with wildflowers, with the grazed grassland supporting a rich variety of plants, including self heal, agrimony and bird's foot trefoil.
Alongside these are unmanaged areas of vegetation, ideal for hairy willowherb, cow parsley and bugle. The marker on the map below shows the entrance to Hollinhill Grips; for Markland Grips continue down the lane (from the A616) and turn on to a footpath before the farm.
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Wildlife may be sensitive at certain times of year.