Restore Nature Now! Members of Derbyshire Wildlife Trust will march for nature at major London rally

Restore Nature Now! Members of Derbyshire Wildlife Trust will march for nature at major London rally

On Saturday 22 June thousands of people will unite for nature in the centre of London for the largest ever gathering of nature lovers at the Restore Nature Now! march.

The event is backed by over 250 nature, wildlife and climate groups – including The Wildlife Trusts, as well as high-profile campaigners such Chris Packham, Liz Bonnin, and Dr Amir Khan.  

With the UK already on track for another record-breaking year of temperatures, added to 1 in 6 species at risk of extinction, there has never been a more important moment for politicians to understand how much nature matters.  

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust is calling on all political parties to commit to tackle the nature and climate crises by: 

  • Protecting and cleaning up our rivers 

  • Putting nature at the heart of the community 

  • Tackling the climate emergency 


Dr Jo Smith, Chief Executive Officer at Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, says:

“Now is a critical time for wildlife and natural ecosystems. For too long, the stories of wildlife loss and climate graphs going in the wrong direction have been headlines. This is the turning point. At the Restore Nature Now march we will stand with thousands of others on the streets of London and call on all political parties to take action for nature's recovery and turn the tide on the nature and climate crisis.” 

Liz Bonnin, President of The Wildlife Trusts, says: 

"I'm hugely inspired by the great range of organisations and their supporters uniting behind one common aim of recovering nature. We all want to see more wildlife and wild spaces, and I hope the Restore Nature Now demonstration will be heard loud and clear by those in parliament and beyond that have the power to help bring our wildlife back." 

Craig Bennett, Chief Executive of The Wildlife Trusts, says:  

“Political focus on nature and climate in this country needs a huge upgrade. People understand the seriousness of the nature crisis and demand that elected officials do the same. Nature charities are backed by millions of supporters and this event will see many of these as well as our volunteers and anyone who cares about nature taking a collective stand. We can lose the embarrassing badge as one of the most nature-depleted countries on earth, but we have got to go further and work faster together. Inaction is simply not an option.” 

Chris Packham, TV Broadcaster and Wildlife Campaigner, says:  

"As conservationists and environmental groups we have to accept that the dire state of nature- both in the UK and globally- has happened on our watch. So now's the time for bolder action, stronger demands, braver tactics and a new way of working… together. Ticking a box, signing a petition, sharing a post- it’s simply not enough when we are facing the collapse of our living systems. It’s time for all of us to take to the streets, shoulder to shoulder, whoever we are and demand our leaders Restore Nature Now." 

Dr Amir Khan, NHS doctor and vice-president of The Wildlife Trusts, says: 

“As nature and climate decline we all pay the price. Poorer natural resources affect our economy and a more polluted and a greyer environment affects our health and leads to increased costs to the NHS. Yet despite the obvious issues, nature isn’t valued in the same way our other national assets are. 

“That’s why I am backing the Restore Nature Now march. We’ll be walking shoulder to shoulder and giving a joint voice for our struggling wildlife. I hope you can join us.” 

The march will be legal, peaceful and inclusive. There will be family-friendly performance art, sculptures, and singing.  

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust is organising transport for supporters to and from the march, please sign-up here

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