Nextdoor Nature Lottery Fund

a young boy wearing high vis with his back to the camera and a sapling and road sign saying society place

Nextdoor Nature

What is Nextdoor Nature?

Nextdoor Nature is bringing communities together to help nature flourish where they live and work!

Thanks to £5million funding from The Heritage Fund (formally The National Lottery Heritage Fund), Nextdoor Nature will provide people with the advice and support they need to help nature on their doorstep, and leave a lasting natural legacy.

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust’s Nextdoor Nature

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust’s Nextdoor Nature will look to work in the inner-city areas of Normanton, Arboretum and Alvaston to empower individuals, schools and community groups to take actions for nature.

a man and a woman stand in a garden, the woman is pointing towards plants near the hedge

These fantastic projects could include:

  • Supporting teachers to embrace outdoor learning, giving children the chance to learn in and about nature
  • Empowering people to create wilder, green places on their doorsteps, helping nature to thrive
  • Supporting young people to develop the skills they need to act as environmental champions in their local areas

Community Organiser, Adam Dosunmu Slater, is looking to assist new and current green projects in the areas and if you have any ideas or referrals, please contact him by email at:

Are you an organisation or individual that would like to make a difference?

Our Nextdoor Nature blogs look to highlight initiatives that can inspire you to take action or join the cause and volunteer with a local group.

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To find out more about the groups we work with, visit our Community Groups Map: 

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We have also partnered with Community Action Derby and feature in their monthly funding newsletter where we pick our best ‘Green Funding Pots’ available for individuals and community groups looking to start green projects. To sign up, subscribe here.

Current Projects

Nexdoor Nature: Hadhari Project

To find out about the Hadhari Project and the group's plans for a community garden by watching the video below:

(C) The Wildlife Trusts

Nextdoor Nature: Green Corridor

We are working with local groups, schools and Derby City Council, to facilitate the creation of a Green Corridor between Normanton and Arboretum Park and improve pockets of green space for urban wildlife. 

The first area being redesigned for nature is Society Place, a walkway which connects Cummings Street and Provident Street, in the Normanton area of Derby. Local residents have reported issues with anti-social behaviour, fly tipping and dog fouling, but now Derby City Council and Derbyshire Wildlife Trust have partnered up again alongside Arboretum Primary School children to help design the redevelopment of the area.  

Over the February half term, the students are being asked to submit their plans for the area and the physical redesign taking place in March. Funding for the project is being provided by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Home Office Safer Streets Funding. 

Alongside Derby City Council, we hope both hope this initiative, alongside the Rewilding of Allestree Park can be the start of a collection of green spaces that provide an oasis for wildlife in the city, increase awareness of the environment and promote the positive wellbeing impacts of nature.  

(C) The Wildlife Trusts

We can achieve incredible things when we work together!
Liz Bonnin
President of The Wildlife Trusts
National Lottery Heritage Fund, The Queen's Platinum Jubilee and The Wildlife Trusts logos sit side by side
Team Wilder - spotlight

Team Wilder

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(C) Shutterstock

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