Flowers on roadside, Paul Hobson
Restore, reconnect, recreate
Our vision is landscapes rich in wildlife, valued by everyone. We will achieve this by pursuing our mission of creating Living LandscapesDerbyshire Wildlife Trust
A Living Landscape is our bold new approach to nature conservation.
We are working with local businesses, landowners, communities and individuals on large-scale habitat restoration and enhancement which will create a healthier environment for wildlife, the local economy and people.
We are currently working on six Living Landscape schemes in the county, take a look below to see where.
A national vision
Across the UK, Wildlife Trusts are joining forces and linking up with partners to create Living Landscapes. This is the most ambitious wildlife conservation programme ever undertaken in Britain. It will restore wildlife habitats by repairing and joining up damaged and fragmented blocks of woodland, meadows and marshes. It will reconnect a countryside made richer in wildlife with the pockets of wildness in our cities, towns and villages. It aims to rebuild the natural world and make it more robust so that it can cope with future environmental threats and changes.
A Living Landscape means the revival of the land we love, and of people's love for the land where they live. It is the embodiment of 'joined-up' conservation because it has people and communities at its heart; it has links to access, heritage, history and the economy; and abundant opportunities for active learning.
Derbyshire's Living Landscape map
Living Landscapes map
The Wildlife Trusts believe that people are part of nature; everything we value ultimately comes from it and everything we do impacts upon it.