Children and family, Helena Dolby for Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust
Leave a gift in your Will
How Your Gift Will Help
Leaving a gift in your Will contributes enormously towards making our vision and mission a reality, to see nature flourish and thrive across the region.
With the help of legacy donations, we are able to protect our precious wildlife and beautiful wild-spaces and safeguard its future for the next generation.
If you decide to include a gift in your Will to the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust – you will need the following information:
Full name: Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
Registered Charity No: 222212
Our address: Sandy Hill, Main Street, Middleton, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 4LR
I decided to make provision in my Will to support something I believe in. Look at the countryside around you and ask if you want to lose it.
Free Wills
Our Free Will Online Service allows anyone 18+ to easily write or update a simple Will for free.
We have established a relationship with Guardian Angel to provide a simple Will for free, that would usually cost £90, which can be produced online or over the phone.
Gifts from Wills make a huge difference to our work. There is no obligation, however most people using this service choose to include leaving a gift to our charity in their plans.
Why do this today?
- It’s quick and easy – it could take just 15 minutes!
- It’s safe - Guardian Angel Wills are legally binding and checked by experts
- It is free!
- You will have peace of mind that your affairs are in order
- This can be done face to face or over the phone if you would prefer
Call 0800 773 4014 to arrange an appointment to start your Will over the phone, or click the button below to do it online.
Click here to start your Will online
Want to know a little more before you start your Will? Download our helpful legacy booklet which provides information on how you leave a gift in your Will to Derbyshire Wildlife Trust.
Make the pledge
!If you are planning to include a gift to Derbyshire Wildlife Trust in your will then we would love to hear from you! Make your pledge by sending our legacy team an email and join us in protecting our precious wildlife and wonderful wild-spaces for future generations to enjoy!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you give legal advice about making my Will?
Whilst we’re unable to provide specific legal advice, we are happy to talk to you about how your gift could be used to protect wildlife.
A forever gift
In 1973 a bequest from Miss Mandahl of Sheffield changed the Trust for ever - it allowed us to employ our first member of staff and we haven't stopped taking strides forward since!
Find out how gifts have helped...
Gifts have allowed us to extend some of Derbyshire’s most beautiful nature reserves such as Gang Mine, Hartington Meadows and Erewash Meadows, enabling us to preserve species rich grassland on the White Peak plateau, protect lead tolerant plants in Derbyshire's heartland and save an area of floodplain grasslands in the Erewash Valley to the east. In fact, our first ever nature reserve, Overdale was purchased using a legacy!
It’s not all about land purchases though, legacies have also allowed us to introduce thousands of children to the joys of nature and remind hundreds of adults to stop and take a closer look.
June Walker
June's story
As soon as I was old enough, on fine Sundays my Mum would pack a picnic while Dad pored over his Ordnance Survey maps to work out a route for a walk...
The Wildlife Trusts believe that people are part of nature; everything we value ultimately comes from it and everything we do impacts upon it.The Wildlife Trusts