Wildlife crime - let's stop it
Unfortunately, not all interactions with wildlife are positive and some cases, wild animals are deliberately harmed. We are working closely with Derbyshire Constabulary to ensure that wildlife crime is stopped in Derbyshire.
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For peat’s sake: new project underway to support sustainable nature-friendly farming
A Derbyshire Wildlife Trust project to support farmers and landowners to generate sustainable income, whilst facilitating nature’s…
No nature, no farmers, no food!
Farming policy needs a stronger vision and increased funds to deliver for farmers, food security and nature. The restoration of nature…
Rare sightings and Digital Discoveries at Lightwood
Rare sightings of a parasitic wasp and the Essex skipper butterfly – just two of the recent records to be plotted on a brand-new…
The Wildlife Trusts believe that people are part of nature; everything we value ultimately comes from it and everything we do impacts upon it.The Wildlife Trusts