Carr Vale sighting reported by Mark Beevers

Carr Vale sighting reported by Mark Beevers

Quieter day on 16th - produced the first pink footed Geese of the autumn.

Weekend update from Carr Vale and quite a productive weekend it was especially for visible migration. 14th produced a Sand Martin, 18 Swallows, 210 House Martins, 55 Meadow Pipits, and two Yellow Wagtails south plus 99 Mallard, a Shoveler, Green Sandpiper, 36 Stock Doves, single Hobby and Peregrine, a third Yellow Wagtail, 100 Goldfinch and a Siskin from the mound. On 15th two Barnacle x Canada Geese, Teal increased to 38, male Shoveler, 16 Cormorants (including 12 south), 13 Common Buzzards, five adult Common Terns (3rd latest record for the site and latest since 2010), 44 Stock Doves, Hobby, Cettiā€™s Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat (latest date since 2001). Visible migration on this date produced the following flying south / south-west: Sand Martin, Swallows 16, Pied Wagtails five, Grey Wagtail three, Yellow Wagtail, Meadow Pipits 357 in 3.5 hours and Siskin three. Quieter day on 16th (though shorter visit as off nights) produced the first Pink-footed Geese of the autumn, 63 west at 0855 plus 101 Mallard, 53 Teal, male Shoveler, adult Little Egret, two Golden Plover north, two Hobbies, a definite arrival of Chiffchaffs with 16 at least between gate and mound and Yellow Wagtail whilst viz migging produced Sand Martin, 23 Swallows, Grey Wagtail and 27 Meadow Pipits south. On 17th the following flew south: two Sky Larks, Sand Martin, 179 Swallows in 2.5 hours, 150 House Martins, Grey Wagtail, 337 Meadow Pipits (in three hours, they started earlier than the Swallows) and ten Siskins. Other species noted on 17th were 52 Teal, two Shovelers, Green Sandpiper, three Hobbies, Peregrine, Reed Warbler and Yellow Wagtail.