Blue tit, Sharon Dale via Flickr
Derbyshire's dedicated!
Local Groups
Local Groups are run by some of our most dedicated volunteers and offer a wide range of activities such as talks, field trips, work parties and fundraising events.
Would you like to meet new people while giving back to the wildlife on your doorstep? Find your Local Group in the list below.
Meet our Local groups......
High Peak Local Group

Long Clough by Sam Willis
When was your group founded?
The group was founded in 1991, with the first talks taking place in the autumn of that year.
How did the group come about?
Following a public meeting organised by Helen Perkins to gauge interest, a committee was established to plan a series of talks, walks and conservation work. The group also took over the management of four local reserves, undertook surveys of local wildlife, and published a newsletter.
What is your groups greatest achievement for Derbyshire’s wildlife to date?
Maintaining a programme of public talks over 27 years and two surveys: A water vole survey, which was instrumental in the discovery that water voles were living on moorland away from significant bodies of water, and a survey of the mountain hare population of the Peak District.
What is your groups nearest reserve?
Long Clough and Brockholes Wood.
What activities do you run and how many people normally get involved?
The group now organises a programme of talks from October to April. We try to provide a varied, informative and entertaining programme, with topics of local, national and international interest, featuring a broad range of conservation and natural history subjects. Audience numbers range between 60-100.
The group meet at Bradbury Community House, Market Streer, Glossop,
For event details contact Fred Pickering
Contact number: 07971926739
Contact email: dwthpg@me.com
Wye and Upper Derwent Local Group
Wye and Upper Derwent Local Group visit to Lathkill Dale
When was your group founded?
Founded nearly 40 years ago which may make us the first Local Group in Derbyshire.
How did the group come about?
To recruit new members and 'raise awareness' of the Trust, its existence and its work.
What is your groups greatest achievement for Derbyshire’s wildlife to date?
Keeping an interesting series of talks for Derbyshire Dale members and non- members to attend. Recent high attendances for Christine Gregory on Voles and the Badger Vacination Project in Edale.
What is your groups nearest reserve?
Take your pick from Rose End Meadows, Gang Mine, Hopton Quarry, Rowsley Sidings!
What activities do you run and how many people normally get involved?
Monthly meetings are held on the third Monday of the month September to April. On average our attendance is 55. All welcome. Posters and article in Peak Advertiser advertising event.
The group meets at Darley Dale Methodist Church Hall, Dale Road North, Darley Dale, Matlock DE4 2FT
For event details contact Anthea Rawlence
Contact number: 01629 650480
Contact email:enquiries@derbyshirewt.co.uk
Amber Valley Local Group
Amber Valley Local Group
What is your groups greatest achievement for Derbyshire’s wildlife to date?
The groups greatest achievement is not a single event. It is keeping local interest in our patch, by providing our carefully thought through programme every month. Our reputation for our home made cakes helps boost both numbers and monies for Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, and we are able to make regular donations which are then multiplied by shrewd investment.
What is your groups nearest reserve?
Erewash Meadows, we have had a few visits to this, plus a talk! We're not too far from Oakerthorpe and Wyver Lane.
What activities do you run and how many people normally get involved?
We regularly get over 35 people attend our evenings, and sometimes 50. We have expanded into running walks at various intervals throughout the year, and more extensively through the summer, often connected with our talks. And have monitored monthly the wildlife at a local conference centre.
The group meet at Riddings Community Centre, West Street, Riddings, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 4EW
For event details contact Shirley Hawkins
Contact number: 07770 801539
Contact email:enquiries@derbyshirewt.co.uk
West Derby Local Group

Willington Nature Reserve
What is your group's greatest achievement for Derbyshire’s wildlife to date?
Our biggest achievement is to provide Derbyshire Wildlife Trust members locally with a chance to meet together and socialise thus making them feel part of the Trust. We provide an excellent programme of evening talks from experts in a range of fields connected with wildlife which are both informative and entertaining from September through to April usually on the fourth Thursday of the month. It makes for a good evening out at a low cost and any surplus goes to support Derbyshire Wildlfie Trust's work.
What is your group's nearest reserve?
Our nearest reserves are Hilton Gravel Pits and Willington Gravel Pits. The latter being particularly good for wintering wildfowl and has a good green lane leading down to it in which numerous small birds such as bullfinches and reedbunting can be seen and in the summer it is a good spot for a range of butterflies and dragon flies and damosels. Hilton in June is noted for its orchids and is particularly accessible for wheel chair users. It is also very good for dragon flies and damosels and pond dipping.
What activities do you run and how many people normally get involved?
At present our activities are confined to the evening talks. In the past we offered a few guided walks.
The group meet at St. Peter’s Church Hall, Shepherd Street, Littleover, Derbyshire, DE236GF
Contact number: 01773881188
Contact email:enquiries@derbyshirewt.co.uk
Upcoming talks:
The Wildlife Trusts believe that people are part of nature; everything we value ultimately comes from it and everything we do impacts upon it.