Overdale, Louise Baker

Skylark, Amy Lewis

Heather, Amy Lewis
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Open at all timesBest time to visit
Summer for far reaching views, skylarks and meadow pipitsAbout the reserve
Rising to heights of 1,000 to 1,250 feet, this area of upland pasture has a variety of habitats.
From fairly level grazing land on the western side, the terrain changes to a steep-sided valley with a ten foot high waterfall and then to a less dramatic valley, with a stream that is often hidden under the turf.
This variety is reflected in the range of plant species on the reserve. There are many sedges, mosses, ferns and lichens growing here, while the bracken on the steep valley sides provides shelter for many woodland plants, including wood sorrel and foxglove.
The acid heath on the eastern side provides a habitat for heather, crowberry and gorse. Among the bird species that have been recorded on the reserve are meadow pipit, skylark, whinchat, wheatear and curlew.