Fragrant orchid, Hopton Quarry, credit Natural Diversity
Frog orchid, Kieron Huston
Common spotted orchid, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
Hopton Quarry
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
Summer for wild flowers, orchids and butterfliesAbout the reserve
Hopton Quarry is a good example of how wildlife can recolonise limestone quarry workings.
The reserve is made up of three quarries supporting a rich variety of wild flowers and habitat that are both locally and nationally important. On the flat quarry floors a rich diversity of limestone plants have started to grow.
From late spring through to summer this is a wonderful place to search for orchids. Among the many species that grow here are both the uncommon fly orchid and frog orchid, as well as fragrant orchid and common spotted orchid.
Along the margins of the quarries scrub has invaded and in places woodland is well established, encouraging more shade-tolerant species including broad-leaved helleborine and common twayblade.
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