Rewilding Allestree Park - timeline and next steps

allestree park

Allestree Park Community Rewilding Project Timeline & Next Steps

2025 Timeline 

Based on the wide range of conversations about what people want to see happen in Allestree Park, we have created a timeline of activities for 2025 which will help us all to get there together.

Climate Action Fund 
A three-year programme of funding from the National Lottery Climate Action Fund to help deliver the Allestree Park Community Rewilding Project.


Citizen Science
Throughout the project there will be opportunities to get involved in monitoring how rewilding is changing the park for people and wildlife, helping to shape what happens next.


Fixed Point Photography 

Visitors to Allestree Park can now help to monitor the evolving landscape as the rewilding project progresses thanks to the launch of the new fixed-point photography project. With technology powered by video specialists Ace Nature, the public can now take photos, using their mobile phones, from the same point over time and upload them online via a QR code displayed on the posts. 

You can view the fixed-point photography images on our Wildmap here.


Comparison site surveying 

We have teamed up with the National Trust at Kedleston Park and Golf Club to act as a comparison site for the project. We will continue to mirror much of the monitoring that is taking place at Allestree to identify opportunities for nature’s recovery across the landscape.


Wildlife Group Monitoring 
Many local wildlife groups have joined the project to find out what wildlife is at Allestree Park, what isn’t and what could be! From bats to birds, butterflies to bees, groups will help us to know how things are changing and what more could be done. 


Citizen Zoo feasibility studies / Potential Minotaur Beetle Reintroduction
An opportunity to be involved in a programme of activities to help bring back a vital species – the minotaur dung beetle. These mini but mighty insects will provide a huge benefit to the soil and other wildlife at Allestree.


Citizen Science App
Get involved by contributing data to The Allestree Park Community Rewilding Project. We’ll be introducing a new app where the community will be given the opportunity to learn how to use it and then record sightings or changes to the park.

Spring/Summer 25

Nature Recovery

We have been busy behind the scenes working to set the course for nature’s recovery at Allestree Park and throughout the landscape. The Nature Recovery Working Group – comprising ecology experts, project staff and members of the Friends of Allestree Park – focuses on the natural processes present within the project site. We have identified priority improvements for each of these processes that will provide incredible benefits to wildlife and people.

Whether it’s installing leaky dams, increasing the amount of deadwood on site or looking at the recovery of the willow tit and other key species, the community will have the chance to be actively involved every step of the way! Many of these priorities have been captured through this timeline and we’re eager to provide opportunities for action throughout 2025 and beyond.

Team Wilder Activities 
Throughout the year we will be hosting a programme of Team Wilder Activities celebrating the awe and wonder of nature and offering opportunities to take action for nature on your doorstep. 


Bird’s Eye View
Join us to explore the lives of our feathered friends, activities to include guided walks and demonstrations and discover what actions are taking place to improve local bird habitats.

Winter-Spring 2025

Be a Beaver Day
Come along and replicate our best ecosystem engineers. Help slow the flow at Allestree Park by building leaky dams and rewriggling the brooks, whilst learning more about these remarkable rodents!

8th February 2025

Be a Boar Day
Join us for a ‘boaring’ time in Allestree Park, mimicking wild boar grubbing around in the soil (using tools, not snouts!), to disturb dormant wildflowers and encourage them to grow.

Spring 2025

Every Dog has it’s (Seed Dispersal) Day
Before their extinction in the UK, wolves carried seeds in their fur, spreading them across large areas and helping native plants flourish. Bring your four-legged friends to help us to scatter some seeds at Allestree Park. Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!

Spring 2025
Careers Day

We’re inviting local Year 12 students to experience a range of careers led by experts in their field, hoping to inspire the next generation of conservationists!

Spring 2025

Have a Bash!

Join us to control the spread of the invasive Himalayan Balsam on site through the process of ‘bashing’, helping to protect our valuable native plants.

Summer 2025
What’s all the buzz about?

Pollinators are absolutely vital at Allestree Park. At this event we will be running educational activities whilst tracking their populations.

Summer 2025
Community Celebration Event
Join your community to celebrate all of the wonderful projects that are happening at Allestree Park and get involved in actions for nature.
Summer 2025

Be a Jay Day!
By copying Jays, picking up an acorn and burying it, you can help plant oak trees that are home to over 2000 different species. This plays a big role in helping to restore our woodlands and protect all of the birds and insects that call oak trees their home.

Autumn 2025

Youth Programmes
Programmes to help young people connect with, and learn through nature


Wilder Schools Engagement
As the community rewilding project progresses, we are keen to engage the future Allestree residents as much as possible and enjoy the benefits of this special place. From planting trees to minotaur beetle engagement, we have enjoyed sessions with Portway Infants, Portway Juniors, Curzons, Lawn and Walter Evans Primary Schools. Students at Woodlands School are currently undertaking a ‘leading a project for positive change’ course, which will provide them with UCAS points as well as benefitting the rewilding project.
We will be looking to engage with more budding rewilding lovers in 2025, please do get in touch if you would like your school to get involved!


Allestree Park Junior Rangers launch 
Junior Rangers is a group designed for 11–18-year-olds who love the outdoors and have an interest in conservation. They will meet once a month and will carry out activities linked to the community rewilding project. We will be training our leaders and recruiting rangers over the winter-spring. If you know someone who would enjoy becoming a junior ranger, please register their interest by contacting -

Spring/Summer 25

Allestree Park Nature Tots launch 
We are working with St Edmunds preschool and toddler group to launch Nature Tots - a pre-school playgroup with a difference, encouraging 0–5 year-olds to connect, learn and have fun with nature! Leaders will be undertaking ‘Inspiring Nature Connection in the Early Years’ training in the spring with a view to start running some sessions from Allestree Park as the year progresses!

Spring/Summer 25

Community Rewilding Projects
Longer term projects delivering Allestree Park Community Rewilding 


Nature Trail and Natural Play design  
Children know best about play! Working with local schools to design a nature trail and natural play around Allestree Park. 


Incorporation of whole site nature reserve  
Allestree Park is surrounded by a beautiful nature reserve and we all believe the whole site is precious too. So, we aim to get the whole of Allestree Park designated as a nature reserve.

Outdoor shelter design 

Plans are taking shape to create an outdoor learning shelter and a dipping pond for local school children, Nature Tots, Junior Rangers and other community groups. The shelter will provide a base to learn from whilst the pond will enable learners to get up close with pond lurking critters during school visits and events. Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, Derby City Council and Friends of Allestree Park recently met to scout out potential locations. We will soon be engaging with local school eco groups (the primary users of these spaces) to decide on the favourite design and location!


Site interpretation
We’ll be working to develop ways for new visitors to engage with the park and learn not only about the rewilding project but the cultural, environmental and historical importance of the park.


Accessibility & Inclusion 
Derby City Council will continue to carry out a feasibility study on how to make the park more accessible and inclusive.


How to get involved
As programmes, events and activities develop we will post updates, including how you can get involved, on our website and social media channels and notice boards in the park. If you have a query in the meantime, please contact us by emailing