(C) Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
Wild Tots
Get ready for the Wild Curriculum!
Our team has been busy preparing videos and downloadable resources that we will be sharing with you over the coming weeks. Keep following this space and check back weekly for the latest updates on themed book readings, crafts and outside activities all designed to bring you and your family closer to nature!
Nature Tots
The activities have been planned with under 5’s (Early Year Foundation Stage - EYFS) in mind but may also be easily adapted to be appropriate for Key Stage 1 and other ages too.
We'd love to see what you get up too! We've set up a facebook group for all our Wild Tot families to share photos and ideas. Join the fun by clicking the link below.
Join the Wild Tots Facebook Group
During these uncertain times and whilst our face to face sessions cannot take place, we are working with our partners, Severn Trent to provide our online activities for free. This has been made possible due to funding from Tesco.
Garden Birds
If you look out of a window for a few minutes, you will most likely spot a bird. Birds are fantastic to watch through a window or in your garden as they are less shy than other animals and still active in winter. Use our curriculum linked resources to identify the birds you see, become a bird detective, learn how to help them and so much more.
Helping Wildlife
Spiders and Shapes
The story ‘Walters wonderful web’ is used in this session to introduce basic shapes. Have a go at making shapes and webs in nature then download our activity sheet for more suggestions on outdoor learning focused on spiders and shapes.
Snails and Slugs
Tots love exploring slugs and snails! In this session we find out why Norman wanted to be like the snails and go on a slug and snail hunt. Our activity sheet has ideas to help you and your Tot get outside to explore textures and make your own snails.
Plants and Seeds
Join in with our session all about plants and seeds. Find out what a seed needs to grow successfully and why plants make seeds then try growing your own plants at home from seeds in your kitchen.
Plants & Seeds (https://youtu.be/DzBVUhFa410)
(c) Diane Gould
Bog Babies
Read the story ‘Bog Baby’ by Jeanne Willis then find out how to create your very own bog baby. Have a go at our Bog Baby texture hunt and learn how to create a magic wand to keep the Bog Babies safe.
Book reading: Jeanne Willis reads The Bog Baby - YouTube
What Tot doesn’t love a worm? Find out why worms are so important in our video and then get outdoors for lots of worm themed fun with our activity sheet suggestions.
This session is all about the minibeasts you might find in your garden. Read ‘Twist and Hop Minibeast Bop’ and then learn how to go out and look for them. We also have some ideas for practising counting with minibeasts, creating your own beast from recycling and suggestions on how to make your garden into a minibeast haven!
Spring Colours
Spring is here at to celebrate we are hunting for colours in nature. Be inspired y ‘Wow said the owl’ to make a colour wheel and experiment with mixing colours.
Send us a photo of your completed activities and we'll send you your very own certificate! You can do this by adding them to our tots Facebook group or submitting them to us via email.

I Spy....
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