Connect with Nature to Boost Wellbeing
On average, workers suffering from stress, depression or anxiety take 18.6 sick days off per year (HSE, 2022) however, for every £1 spent on wellbeing, a company will see an average return of £5.30 (Deloitte, 2022)
Time taking notice of and connecting with nature has been proven to help both our physical and mental health and wellbeing. Never before have we had such an appreciation of how important nature is to our wellbeing. Our Wellbeing Packages are designed and delivered by our in-house wellbeing team taking advantage of our own nature reserves and experience of nature.
Our packages have been developed alongside “The 5 Ways to Wellbeing” and will help your staff to strengthen relationships both with each other and with nature.
Find out more about our Packages below:
Package 1: Bringing Nature to You
Research has proven that simple actions such as taking time to look at nature imagery or videos can improve mental wellbeing. This package gives access to a selection of media for you to use as well as a blog explaining how it can benefit you.
Corporate Member price from: FREE

Package 2: The 5 Ways to Wellbeing Journal
Research shows there are 5 steps we can all take to improve our mental wellbeing and by following these, your staff members will feel happier, be more positive and reconnect with each other as well as the natural world.
1. Connect with People - strengthens and broadens relationships
2. Keep learning - Develops a sense of achievement and confidence
3. Take notice - Increases awareness of thoughts, feelings and the world around
4. Be active - Positively changes mood and self esteem
5. Give to others - Stimulates the reward centres in the brain and gives a sense of self-worth and purpose
Working with Derbyshire MIND, we have produced a journal that explains the '5 ways to wellbeing' and encourages your employees to take small actions to go through each step.
Corporate Member price from: £3 +VAT per person
Package 3: Nature Workshops & Walks
One of our Wellbeing Leaders will attend your place of work, community or local nature reserves to demonstrate how to make the most of connecting with nature to aid wellbeing. The 1 hour workshop or walk will be tailored to your location to give practical advice on wellbeing activities you can take.
You can choose if you’d like these practical activities to take place at your place of work or as a guided walk in a local nature reserve or green space.
Corporate Member price from: £250 +VAT

Package 4: Wild Wellbeing Days
Our corporate day activities have been developed around helping your staff to take the five steps to wellbeing in a safe, natural environment whilst creating a lasting legacy to wildlife. We start the 3 hour session with some gentle mindfulness activities, helping us to notice the nature around us whilst being active, helping both our physical and mental health. The group then learn new skills as they work in small teams, learning how to heat a Kelly Kettle to make themselves some hot drinks, Each session is rounded off with a campfire lunch and reflection activity to help us to once more notice the nature we have come to love.
When you book a Wild Wellbeing Team Day you will be asked to nominate a school of your choice who will receive an invitation to a free class trip to Carsington Water* – by doing this we are giving an added purpose to the Team Days by giving to others.
*The schools offer will consist of a free day of activities between 10am and 2,.30 pm for up to 30 children. The visit must take place between the months of September and May.
A 3 hour session for up to 12 people and includes a free class session for a school of your choice costs:
£750 plus VAT for members
£1000 plus VAT for non- members
A 3 hour session for up to 12 people without a free class session costs:
£450 plus VAT for members
£600 plus VAT for non- members
These prices include hot refreshments and a campfire lunch of sausages in bread rolls (dietary requirements can be catered for if notified).
Carsington Water
The beautiful Carsington Water near Ashbourne is host to our outdoor classroom and roundhouse shelter. Perfect for a get-together no matter what the weather, the site boasts excellent visitor facilities including bird hides, toilets, visitor centre, on site restaurant and café. The site is also wheelchair friendly and has disabled facilities in the main centre. The open waters and native woodland on site offer the perfect natural habitats for all kinds of birds including kingfishers, buzzards and grebes.

Yes I am interested. What should I do next?
If you are interested in joining our Corporate Partnership programme then please click here for more information.
To arrange for a member of our team to give you a call about our Corporate Partnership programme please contact us – we would love to hear from you!