Thornhill Carrs (c) Kayleigh Wright
Thornhill Carrs - Wildscapes for Wellbeing
Thornhill is a steep-sided valley dominated by extensive hawthorn scrub and open glades. The reserve is important for summer bird migrants when you can hear blackcap, chiffchaff and willow warbler taking advantage of this ever-rarer habitat. In July the site is rich in wildflowers which attract many species of bees, butterflies and hoverflies.
Explore Thornhill Carrs
We have three videos taken at each reserve; a 360 Tour, immersive sounds and a quick 2 minute tour.
360 Tour -10 minutes
This video starts with a panoramic view from the sky looking over the beautiful reserve. At around 4 mins the tour continues on foot from the reserve entrance so you can virtually visit the reserve with us. There is a button on the video to allow you to turn the screen left, right, up and down so you can see the reserve from 360 degrees whilst walking through! Enjoy your visit!
To interact with the 360 video move your mouse across the screen to look around. Alternatively, you can look around using the arrow keys on your keyboard or on the screen in the top left corner.
Immersive Sounds - 10 minutes
This video is for those who just want to enjoy the stillness of the reserve. Listening to the sounds as though you are actually there. There is a button on the video to allow you to turn the screen left, right, up and down so you can look around you whilst sitting still! Enjoy the peaceful calmness.
Quick Tour with music - 2 minutes
For those with only a few minutes to spare, this video includes an introduction slide and then a quick walking tour through the reserve with music.
Quick Tour without music - 2 minutes
For those with only a few minutes to spare, this video includes an introduction slide and then a quick walking tour through the reserve with just the sounds of nature.