What is next for Badgers?
The future of badgers in England remains uncertain due to ongoing controversies and challenges around the management of bovine tuberculosis (bTB).
The future of badgers in England remains uncertain due to ongoing controversies and challenges around the management of bovine tuberculosis (bTB).
This report reflects on the 2019 badger vaccination season, what it means for badgers and wildlife groups both locally and nationally and what the future for badgers looks like.
Just last week a one-day bovine tuberculosis (bTB) conference took place down in Cirencester to provide a platform for famers and industry experts to discuss the latest developments in bTB control…
Paul Hobson, Wildlife Photographer, talks us through his experience of volunteering with our badger vaccination team.
Recent reports are of badger (twice in broad daylight), field mouse and several rabbit kits are now above ground.
The government has chosen to seek the best possible scientific advice and then ignore it