I had a moment of optimism in March when the Government said it was going to phase out badger culling and encourage vaccination instead, when it published its response to the Godfray Review.
This didn’t last long. When I read the consultation on the plans for no-cull zones it became clear that extending culling in the Edge Area was the real intention.
I’ve been involved in the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust’s badger vaccination scheme since it started in 2014. I’m a vet, have carried out countless rounds of cattle TB testing in the past and know the stress that having TB in a cattle herd can cause. Badgers are only a tiny part of the disease and killing them is outdated, inhumane and unnecessary particularly as we have vaccines in the 21st century. Lots of fantastic work with the BCG vaccine in badgers – including the UK’s largest vaccination trial here in Derbyshire - has shown real promise. It has been a wonderful, positive experience to help show how badger vaccination is a practical and humane alternative to culling.