Carr Vale sighting report by Mark Beever
The 24th was a good day as amongst a large gathering of big Gulls once again we found a juvenile Iceland Gull.
The 24th was a good day as amongst a large gathering of big Gulls once again we found a juvenile Iceland Gull.
Day two of north-easterly winds and once again the anticipation was not met with a result. Indeed they produced nothing but that doesn't mean it was a bad day.
With the barometer set ‘Fair’ and a temperature predicted at 16C the day was given over to a search for butterflies and dragonflies.
The government has chosen to seek the best possible scientific advice and then ignore it
My love affair with wildlife began before I was born. You could say it was predestined; my maternal grandfather, Harold, was a naturalist – and not a naturist, as I would tell people as a child!…