Katrina Martin/2020VISION
Wild Peak Community Fund
Community Fund
Are you a landowner, community group, school or part of a group of people who want to make a real change to your local area in and around the Peak District?
We have a fantastic opportunity for you to get financial support for projects that make a huge difference to your local area, communities and can help restore nature across the Peak District.
Key points
· The Community Grant Fund is for a total of £60,000
· Each landowner/group/school may apply for a maximum sum of £3000, and a minimum of £500
· You can apply for more than one project, as long as they are delivering nature's recovery on a different site
Projects must…
· Support land or areas in the Wild Peak boundary
· Be time sustainable and not require ongoing funding from DWT 
· Be delivered within agreed timescales between Sept 24 – Feb 26 
· Show how the local community, landowners or local people have helped in the identification of activity or have been consulted/engaged  
· Show what difference will be made 
Applications will be considered and assessed by the panel on 23rd October 2024, and once again on 16th December 2024
Please ensure your applications are in before either of these dates.
The full guidance document can be found below. Please ensure you read this fully before submitting an application.

Guidance Document
Applications forms can be found below and submitted to wildpeak@derbyshirewt.co.uk upon completion.
Application Form
Please find below the terms and conditions of the grant funding:
Terms and Conditions
Please see the evaluation form below. This will need to be completed once at the end of your project (to be decided upon receipt of your application). Please consider these questions as you go through your project to make the evaluation as quick and simple as possible at the end.
Evaluation Form
For any enquiries, please get in touch with us at wildpeak@derbyshirewt.co.uk
We look forward to welcoming applications and can’t wait to see what exciting projects you have planned!